President of the Republic Offered Dinner to the Secretary General of NATO

Yesterday evening, President Lennart Meri offered a dinner to the Secretary-General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Lord George Robertson, in his home in Viimsi.

Co-operation between Estonia and NATO was discussed at the meeting. The Secretary-General said that he was most impressed by the Air Force Base at Ämari. Decrease of the share of the West European Union and the formation of the common security and foreign politics of the European Union were also discussed at the meeting.

Chief of Cabinet of the Secretary-General Desmond Bowen, Deputy Chief of Cabinet Alastair Merrill, Press Representative of NATO Dr. Jamie Shea and Robert Weaver from the Department of Politics of NATO Headquarters, also Minister of Foreign Affairs Hendrik Ilves, Minister of Defence Jüri Luik and Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia by NATO Sulev Kannike participated in the meeting.

Press Service of the Office of the President
Kadriorg, May 19, 2000