President of the Republic discussed the publication of the History of Estonia

On the year 2000, the Year of Estonian Book, the publication of the academic History of Estonia shall be continued, the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, and Sulev Vahtre, the Professor of Estonian History and the Editor-in-Chief of the History of Estonia, decided in Tartu today. The resources for writing, editing and printing of the History of Estonia have been allocated in next year's state budget. It was also hoped that the donation of the book to Estonian schools could be funded from the donations collected to the Cultural Foundation of the President of the Republic, which amount to 400,000 Estonian kroons.

The publication of the academic history, which was interrupted by the occupation of 1940,will continue with the publication of Volume IV, covering the period of 1700- 1819. Mati Laur from the History Department of the Faculty of Philosophy of Tartu University is the editor of this volume.

On the year 2000, also the writing of Volume V will be started. Tiit Rosenberg, the Professor of Estonian History at Tartu University, will be the author of this volume.

Press Service of the Office of the President
Tartu, December 1, 1999