730. Conferment of State Decorations

In connection with Independence Day and services to the Republic of Estonia, I hereby confer the following state decorations:

I Class Order of the Cross of St. Mary's Land

Roman Herzog - President of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1994-1999
Margaretha af Ugglas - Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1991-1994

II Class Order of the Cross of St. Mary's Land

Andreas Meyer-Landrut - Director of the Office of the President of Germany

III Class Order of the Cross of St. Mary's Land

İhsan Doğramacı - scholar from Turkey
Veli Olavi Klami - promoter of musical contacts between Estonia and Finland
Rauni Uolevi Sylvester Lassander - promoter of musical contacts between
Estonia and Finland
Francois Loeb - Economist from Switzerland

IV Class Order of the Cross of St. Mary's Land

Burchard Johann Friedrich Lieberg - Clergyman from Germany
Norbert Riedl - promoter of Estonian-Austrian cultural relations
Gustav von Rosen - promoter of the Noarootsi heritage in Estonia
Anna Žīgure - promoter of Estonian-Latvian cultural relations
Horst Schubert - mediator of the Estonian music
Teitur Thordarson - football coach
Kasturi Lal Vig - Honorary Consul of Estonia in India

II Class Order of the National Coat of Arms

Tõnu Kaljuste - choir conductor, promoter of Estonia's public image in the world
Endel Lippmaa - scientist, chronicler of the recent history
Rein Taagepera - scientist, chronicler of the recent history

III Class Order of the National Coat of Arms

Raimund Hagelberg - economist
Arvo Niitenberg - Ambassador, energetician
Endel Ratas - freedom fighter
Vello Salum - freedom fighter, pastor
Eerik-Juhan Truuväli - lawyer, public servant

IV Class Order of the National Coat of Arms

Jaak Aaviksoo - physicist, Rector of the Tartu University
Heiki Ahonen - freedom fighter
Toomas Haug - literary historian
Mati Kiirend - freedom fighter
Gustav Maarand - pastor
Ivar Paljak - engineer, preserver of the continuity of the Republic of Estonia
Arvo Pesti - freedom fighter
Kulle Raig - restorer of the Estonian mission in Finland, promoter of cultural relations
Harald Tillemann - freedom fighter

V Class Order of the National Coat of Arms

Albert Miilmaa - preserver of the Estonian spirit in England

II Class Order of the White Star

Jüri Arrak - artist
Harald Rajamets - translator, freedom fighter of military merits
Jüri Raidla - barrister
Jüri Rätsep - judge
Olev Subbi - artist
Endel Tulving - psychologist, preserver of the Estonian research traditions in Canada
Erkki-Sven Tüür - composer, musician

III Class Order of the White Star

Arvi Altmäe - pedagogue, promoter of home decoration, preserver of the continuity of the Republic of Estonia
Kuno Areng - choir conductor
Krista Aru - media historian
Hellar Grabbi - Preserver of the continuity of the Republic of Estonia
Endel Heinleht - wildlife preserver
Rutt Hinrikus - literary historian, preserver of recent history
Kalle Kasemaa - scholar of theology, pastor, scholar of the Orient
Arvo Kruusement - film director
Kaie Kõrb - ballet artist
Lembit Lauri - journalist, preserver of recent history
Viivi Luik - writer
Helju Mikkel - promoter of folk dances
Mihkel Mutt - writer
Elmo Nüganen - actor, theatre director, theatre producer
Sirje Olesk - literary historian
Matti Päts - public servant
Aare Reenumägi - lawyer, public servant
Kaja Tael - public servant
Ülo Tedre - folklore scholar
Mati Unt - writer, theatre director
Arvo Vallikivi (Valton) - writer
Tõnu Viik - scientist
Aarne Vinkel - scholar of literature

IV Class Order of the White Star

Otto Amer - teacher
Ann Audova - artist
Sigrid Haage - public servant
Edgar August Heinsoo - mediator of humanitarian aid, pastor
Mall Hellam - promoter of the ideas of open society
Jüri Leesment - lyrics writer
Ivo Linna - singer
Rein Maran - film director, wildlife preserver
Ruth Mirov - folklore scholar
Endel Nirk - scholar of literature
Udo Petersoo - preserver of the continuity of the Republic of Estonia, Bishop
Inge Unt - pedagogy researcher

V Class Order of the White Star

Taavi Esko - teacher
Manivalde Jõgi - teacher
Rafael Kindsigo - teacher, promoter of social life
Lilian-Astrid Kivi - scholar of pedagogy
Hilja Kukk - bibliographer, preserver of the continuity of the Republic of Estonia
Lembit Känd - State Audit Official
Kaarel Kübar - retired sportsman
Tiit Leito - wildlife preserver
Jaan Liiv - agrarian
Helve Ratnik - lawyer, county official
Linda Raus - national dance master
Tiiu-Ann Salasoo - teacher, preserver of the Estonian spirit in Australia
Lembit Tepp - census officer, chronicler of the recent history
Olav Vallimäe - teacher, local government activist

Medal of the White Star

Elsa Brück - archive official
Edgar Marten - teacher
Sven Salin - promoter of the Rannarootsi culture (culture of the Swedes who live on the North-Western coast of Estonia)
Ants Tomp - teacher
Heino Tonsiver - municipal official
Elem Treier - literary historian

I Class Order of the Estonian Red Cross

Argo Kõvamees - physician

II Class Order of the Estonian Red Cross

Hans Imanen - blood donor
Aili Kogerman - welfare officer of the elderly
Else von Samson-Himmelstjerna - mediator of humanitarian aid from Germany

III Class Order of the Estonian Red Cross

Anne-Marie Mathilde Helena De Geer af Finspång - mediator of humanitarian aid from Sweden
Lii Jannus-Pruljan - physician
Hubert-Viktor Kahn - physician
Merike Martinson - physician
Arnold Paroll - physician
Horst Skopp - mediator of humanitarian aid from Germany
Härm Villiam Soopõld - physician
Matti-Kaarel Sõmermaa - rescuer
Rando Truve - physician
Rein Uba - blood donor

IV Class Order of the Estonian Red Cross

Heino Eerme - children's welfare officer
Hele Kaljuvee - welfare officer of the elderly
Rein Metsvahi - blood donor
Marina Mägi - children's welfare officer
Kuido Nõmme - fireman
Ester Puusepp - nurse
Karli Sassi - rescuer

V Class Order of the Estonian Red Cross

Ain Karafin - rescuer
Mati Luhamägi - blood donor
Valve Mäesalu - blood donor
Aivar Naudi - rescuer

Medal of the Estonian Red Cross

Silver Parts - life saver

II Class Order of the Cross of the Eagle

Michael Hesselholt Clemmesen - Commander of the Baltic Defense College
Ants Laaneots - military

III Class Order of the Cross of the Eagle

Georg von Erlach - Military Attaché of Switzerland to Estonia, 1994-1998
Peter Henrik Hendrikson - Military Attaché of the United States to Estonia, 1996-2000
Kjeld G. H. Hillingsjø - Danish military, consultant
Yrjö Artturi Honkanen - Military Attaché of Finland to Estonia, 1992-1995
Teo Krüüner - military
Jens Christian Lund - Danish military, consultant
Oskar Mark - military
Albert Saar - freedom fighter of military merit

IV Class Order of the Cross of the Eagle

Seppo Kaarlo Ilmari Haario - educator of Estonian officers in Finland
Arnold Leetsar - freedom fighter of military merit
Pentti Johannes Lehtimäki - educator of Estonian officers in Finland
Jussi Tapani Anton Saressalo - educator of Estonian officers in Finland
Seppo Tapio Tanskanen - educator of Estonian officers in Finland
Ants Teetsov - public servant

V Class Order of the Cross of the Eagle

Elret Epner - freedom fighter of military merit
Vaido Halliküla - member of the Defense Forces
Leonhard Heinla - freedom fighter of military merit
Lembit Kadalipp - freedom fighter of military merits
Konstantin Kaja - freedom fighter of military merit
Erika Kask - freedom fighter of military merit
Aivar Lõhmus - border guard officer
Eerik Murusalu - freedom fighter of military merit
Guido Muttikas - freedom fighter of military merit
Mati Pokkinen - border guard officer
August Ruben - freedom fighter of military merit
Hilja Sarapuu - freedom fighter of military merit
Arvi Sillam - freedom fighter of military merit
Karl-Richard Sirel - freedom fighter of military merit
Olav Sööt - freedom fighter of military merit
Feliks Tipner - freedom fighter of military merit
Ago Vallas - freedom fighter of military merit, census officer
Harald Vanamölder - freedom fighter of military merit
Peeter Võrk - freedom fighter of military merit

Gold Cross of the Cross of the Eagle

Raigo Haabu - police officer
Toivo Kamenik - police officer
Ants Kiviselg - border guard officer
Jaan Koiduaru - freedom fighter
Aimar Köss - border guard officer
Elmar Maasik - local history researcher
Sven-Harry Raabe - Defense Leaguer
Voldemar Tokman - rescuer

Silver Cross of the Cross of the Eagle

Enn Kuusik - police officer
Vahur Metsatalu - police officer
Knut Mitt - border guard officer
Raivo Palu - police officer
Kalju Rammu - police officer

Source: Clause 15, Section 78 of the Constitution of the Republic of Estonia, Section 9 of the Decorations Act.

Lennart Meri