President of the Republic to the Conference Dedicated to the 10th Anniversary of the Restoration of the Defence League ''Estonian Youth - Future of the State'' at Järvakandi, on February 17, 2000

As the Supreme Commander of the National Defence, I am grateful that, on the anniversary of the restoration of the Defence League, we are speaking of the youth, to the youth and with the youth.

Within the time that has passed from the restoration of the Republic of Estonia, our responsibility to the State has grown step by step. It is our duty to protect, and if necessary, to defend our country. The goals of the Republic of Estonia are our goals, and their attainment depends on us and us only. Today, we create the basis for what will determine our life in the future: education, economy, political culture, bearings of the national defence, integrity. The work must go on. No one will do this work for us. We must do it ourselves and feel responsible to our children. Estonia is in our hands and will remain in our hands.

The continuity of the National Defence in Estonia is a matter we all have to attend to. But especially those of us who are young, have finished school and grown up in the Republic of Estonia, and for whom the need for national defence will be self-evident. The will to defend must be in the heart of every young person. This is not born of itself. Our Defence Forces, and moreover, our Defence League, must foster and nurture this will. First and foremost by setting an example. The members of Estonia Defence Forces, the members of the Defence League must be well trained, educated, and set an example to others both in great matters and in everyday life. Then we can look firmly into the future.