Other Constitutional Institutions

The supreme power of state is exercised by the people through citizens with the right to vote by electing the Riigikogu or through a referendum.

In Estonia there are seven constitutional institutions:

Legislative power is vested in the Riigikogu.

The President of the Republic is the Head of State of Estonia.

Executive power is vested in the Government of the Republic.

The Bank of Estonia has the sole right to issue Estonian currency. The Bank of Estonia shall regulate currency circulation and shall uphold the stability of the national currency.

The State Audit Office shall be, in its activities, an independent state body responsible for economic control.

The Legal Chancellor shall be, in his or her activities, an independent official who shall review the legislation of the legislative and executive powers and of local governments for conformity with the Constitution and the laws.

Justice shall be administered solely by the courts. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the state and shall review court judgments by way of cassation proceedings. The Supreme Court is also the court of constitutional review.


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