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1124. Conferment of State Decorations

In connection with the state visit to Estonia of the President of the Republic of France, I hereby confer the following state decorations:

the Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of St. Mary's Land

Jacques Chirac - the President of the Republic of France

I Class Order of the Cross of St. Mary's Land

Pierre Moscovici - Minister of European Affairs

Jean-Jacques Subrenat - Ambassador of the Republic of France to the Republic of Estonia

II Class Order of the Cross of St. Mary's Land

Hubert Haenel - Chairman of the EU Committee of the Senate

Claude Huriet - Chairman of the French-Baltic Caucus of the Senate

Jacques de Larosiere - Counsellor of the National Bank

François Patriat - Secretary of State in the field of small and medium-sized commerce and consumption enterprises

Bernard Schreiner - Deputy of the National Assembly, Chairman of the French-Estonian Caucus

Jacques Valade - Vice President of the Senate

III Class Order of the Cross of St. Mary's Land

Pascale Andreani - Director of European Co-operation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Maurice Blin - Member of the EU Committee of the Senate, expert on Estonia
André Boyer - Vice-Chairman of the French-Estonian Caucus of the Senate

Claude Chirac - PR-manager of the President, Press Counsellor

Jean-François Cirelli - Economic Counsellor to the President

Catherine Colonna - Press Spokesperson of the President

Frédéric Grasset - Chief of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Jacques Lapouge - Technical Adviser to the President

Jean-Marc Rochereau de la Sabliere - Diplomatic Counsellor to the President

IV Class Order of the Cross of St. Mary's Land

Didier Paris - Director of the Cabinet of the State Secretary

V Class Order of the Cross of St. Mary's Land

Suzanne Champonnois - Researcher of the history and civilisation of the Baltic countries, National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilisations

V Class Order of the Cross of the Eagle

Joël Rode - Aide-de-Camp to the President, Lieutenant-Colonel

Basis: Clause 15 , Section 78 of the Constitution of the Republic of Estonia,
Section 9 of the Decorations Act.

Lennart Meri

1112. Refusal to Proclaim ''Churches and Congregations Act''
730. Conferment of State Decorations


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