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President of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia will make a visit to Estonia

On Monday, February 21, Boris Trajkovski, the President of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, will come to a two-day visit to Estonia.

On Tuesday, February 22, at 12.50, President Trajkovski is going to have a meeting with President Meri in the Presidential Palace of Kadriorg. On the same day, President Trajkovski will also meet Toomas Savi, Chairman of the Riigikogu in the Kalevipoeg Hall of the Riigikogu, and Prime Minister Mart Laar in the Red Room of the Toompea Castle.

President Lennart Meri and Mrs. Helle Meri will offer Boris Trajkovski and Mrs. Vilma Trajkovska a lunch at Kadriorg.

At 13.30, the Heads of State will give a press conference at Kadriorg. The President of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, his spouse, and their accompanying delegation will leave Estonia in the afternoon of February 22.

The journalists interested in the visit are requested to register on February 21 at the latest at the Press Centre of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, telephone numbers 6317631 and 6317633, or at the Office of the President of the Republic, telephone 6316229.

Press Service of the Office of the President
Kadriorg, February 18, 2000


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