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Address by the President of the Republic to the Estonian people

The decision made at the Luxembourg Summit to start accession negotiations with Estonia next year is a major acknowledgement, first and foremost, to the people of Estonia, to all of you, dear fellow countrymen. The reunification with Europe has been a goal for all our governments which have changed ever so often, but the burden of reform has been on the shoulders of the people. Today I would like to thank all residents of the Republic of Estonia for your support, resolution and strong will as well as all governments and especially our foreign service for good work.

Accession negotiations establish a foundation for the secure future of Estonia among states who for decades have successfully improved social welfare, education and prosperity of their people. But to begin with, we face strenuous negotiations. It will not be easy. Prosperity does not fall into the lap like a God- sent gift. Estonians have always used to rely on themselves. Now we can rely on our partner states, especially, on the experience and benevolent assistance of our Nordic neighbours.

Dear fellow countrymen, I wish to each and every one of you persistence and willpower, to representatives of the people, to interest groups and to public officials - strength and continuity in the dialogue with the people providing them with precise and continuous information. The door is open !

Lennart Meri


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