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Statement of the Meeting of the Presidents of Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland

The Presidents of Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland met today in Tallinn at the invitation of President Lennart Meri.

The Presidents strongly condemned the barbaric acts of terrorism committed against the United States of America. They agreed that these terrorist acts were an offence against the freedom and rights of all civilized nations. The five Presidents expressed their solidarity with the United States and affirmed the determination of their countries to lend support for the battle against terrorism.

Lennart Meri
President of the Republic of Estonia

Tarja Halonen
President of the Republic of Finland

Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga
President of the Republic of Latvia

Valdas Adamkus
President of the Republic of Lithuania

Aleksander Kwaśniewski
President of the Republic of Poland

Tallinn, September 18, 2001

Statement of the President Lennart Meri Tallinn, September 18, 2001
Statement of the President of the Republic in Connection with Guaranteeing the Constitutional Competence of the Riigikoguon August 17, 2001
Statement by H. E. President Lennart Meri in connection with the speach of George W. Bush at Warsaw University
The President of the Republic on the Crimes of Totalitarianism on June 14, 2001
The President of the Republic's Competition on Historical Memories


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