Office of the President of the Republic of Estonia

  1. According to Chapter 5 of the Constitution  of the Republic of Estonia, the President of the Republic represents Estonia in international relations. The President confers diplomatic ranks, appoints and recalls diplomatic representatives of the Republic of Estonia, accepts letters of credence from foreign diplomatic representatives accredited to Estonia, signs instruments of ratification, etc., in conformity with the universally recognized principles and norms of international law, which are regarded in Art. 3 of the Constitution as an inseparable part of the Estonian legal system. In the event of a contradiction between an Estonian law and a foreign treaty, the provisions of the foreign treaty shall be applied (Art. 123). The Republic of Estonia has acceded to the Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic Relations (adopted 18 April 1961), on Consular Relations (24 April 1963), and on the Law of Treaties (23 May 1969).

  2. According to Art. 107 the President of the Republic of Estonia promulgates laws or returns them to the parliament for a new debate. He has the right to initiate amendment of the Constitution (Art. 103). During the legislative period of 1992-1995, nineteen laws have been rejected as being in conflict with international treaties or the Estonian Constitution.

  3. The President of Estonia is the Supreme Commander of Estonia's national defence (Art. 78, item 16; Art. 127). The President convenes and presides over the National Defence Council. The President confers military ranks.

  4. The presidential seals are a wet seal and a dry seal. Their shape is identical. The diameter of the seals is 50 millimetres. The seals bear the Arms of the Republic of Estonia and the inscription "Eesti Vabariigi President".

    The President´s signature to instruments of ratification of international agreements and to ambassadors´ credentials is confirmed by the dry seal of the Republic of Estonia, which is 70 mm in diameter and bears the inscription "Eesti Vabariik".

    The presidential flag is the national flag with a greater national coat of arms in the centre.

  5. The above and other powers are exercised by the President through the Office of the President of the Republic Estonia, which was established on 18 November 1992 and serves as his staff.


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