President of the Republic – Patron and Initiator

Estonian Male Choirs' Society, 1992

Patron of the VII Youth Song and Dance Festival in 1993

Patron of the XXII General Jubilee Song Festival, XV General Dance Festival

Initiator of the Robert C. Frasure Foundation, 1995, (the Foundation was created on October 10, 1996)

Initiator of the Tiger Leap Programme, 1996 (on ETV, February 2, 1996)

Patron of the VIII Youth Song and Dance Festival 1997

Patron German-Estonian academic week "Academica", 1997

Patron of building the St. Jacob's Church to Viimsi

Patron of the competition "Foreign Investor 1997"

Patron of the Tartu University Foundation, 1997

Patron of the competition "Foreign Investor 1998"

Honorary patron of the International song festival "Slavonic Wreath 98" (organized by the Slavic Union of Education and Charity Organsiations)

Initiator and patron of the Home decoration year 1997-1998

Initiator and patron of the "Home Decoration: Why and How"

Initiator of the Estonian language purification year 1998

Patron of the joint seminar "By the Will of Tacitus", 1998

Patron of the Estonian Foundation for the Investigation of Crimes against Humanity (established in 1998)

Patron of the Project of the Museum of the Occupations of the Recent Past (the Kristler-Ritso foundation), 1998

Initiator of the Ernst Jaakson Foundation, 1998

Patron of the XXIII General Song Festival and XVI General Dance Festival 1999

Initiator and patron of "Clean Homes Here and Now!" 1999

Patron of the Year of the Elderly, 1999

Patron of the IV European Conference of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (with the Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari), may 1999

Patron of the Estonian-Finnish Song Festival in 2000

Patron of the sea voyage "Estonian Flag around the World 1999 - 2000"
(organised by the Deep Sea Yachting Association "Thetis")

Patron of the Year of the Estonian Book (2000)

Patron of the IX International Congress of Finno-Ugric Studies (August 2000)

Patron of the Worldwide Estonian Festival 2000 (July 2000)

Honorary Patron of the international song festival “Slavic Wreath 2000” (organised by the Union of Slavic Educational and Charity Organisations in Estonia)

Guardian of the “Young Eagles”, boys’ organisation of the Estonian Defence League

Patron of the Kalev Games in 2001

Initiator of the art exhibition “Estonian Art at the Turn of the Millennium” (August 2000)


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